Trailer of Dishonored 2 Live Action – A Glorious Revenge Revealed


Publisher Bethesda has released an amazing two minute clip of Dishonored 2 live-action, a big new game reveals all about glorious revenge. This clip does not reveal much about the game, but still it seems to captivate your interest and give you the same feeling, just like the two previous games published last year ‘Fallout 4’ and the ‘Reboot of Doom’.

“Take Back What’s Yours” is the name of the new clip, narrated by Emily where Bethesda is back to take revenge and achieve what’s hers. Though the original Dishonored game was a bit surprising which offered ample choices to the gamer in terms of playing the game and handle major choices. But getting a glimpse from the two minute clip of Dishonored 2, it seems that the freedom will be doubled providing numerous ways to slaughter your enemies, within the casual use of time travel.

Arkane Studio’s rigorous action sequel Dishonored 2 offers unique abilities to the players, which they can utilize to take on the missions set in the amazing world of fantasy. This two minute clip will bring you surprise as you would see the blending of Far Reach and Shadow Walk very well, into the real world surroundings. Apart from this, there is hardly any blood splatter as compared to the previous game play trailers.

It will be interesting to see the introduction to one of the game’s antagonists, Delilah, “a mad witch armed with powerful black magic” who has seized control of the throne that is rightfully Emily’s. The much awaited Dishonored 2 is going to hit the stores on 11th November on Play Station 4, PC and Xbox One. But the stunning trailer reveals that it will be more real with live action, allowing players to perform breath-taking feats of ingenuity.

  • Tags: Dishonored 2 offers unique abilities, The new clip of Dishonored 2, Trailer of Dishonored 2 Live Action,